Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bronze Skin, Black Lungs

So ok there is this lady that lives around my coffee shop and walks past my store about 3 to 4 times during my evening shift...she has overly tanned bronze body, short hair, not attractive and everytime she rolls past she has a cigarette dangling from her mouth and she is practically having oral sex with this cigarette. I have never seen anyone who enjoys sucking in nicotine like this broad. You can totally tell she works out a great answer me this...Why would you even workout as much as she does to have the perfect body but totally ruin it by smoking a pack a day?
It makes absolutely no sense to me. Two steps forward and one step back I guess.

Here's another one for ya...Why do all UPS drivers have skin the same color as their uniform and why do they always seem like they are on crack when you interact with them?

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